Just look at all that ridiculousness, darlings. Isn’t it fabulous? Don’t you miss it? Oh, for the days of big, dumb, larger-than-life fashion and culture. Of course we miss it. We’ve been making our living off of it for over a decade now. And with current events unfolding, there’s been a lot of talk about what the world will look like when All Of This is all over.
And we say “Pfft” to all of the Chicken-Littling of culture.
We take a look at current events and relate to other times in history – some fairly recent – when it seemed like a massive cultural sea change was about to happen and many people banked their reputations on it coming to pass. Did it? Will we ever see big stupid runways and red carpets again? Will our lives change so much that the culture we know will become a thing of the past?
Again, we say “Pfft.” Listen in to find out why.
And of course we have things to say about the latest two episodes of Making the Cut, with extended opinions on the winning looks of each episode, which are link-embedded here so as not to spoil folks.
Once again, thank you all for listening, darlings!
[Photo Credit: Marechal Aurore/Abaca/, Courtesy of Amazon Prime]
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