The Guys at the “Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald” Premiere Who Weren’t Ezra Miller

Posted on November 09, 2018


Sorry, boys. Ezra swept through the place, sucking up all the oxygen and bending all the light toward him, in the manner of a true Diva Queen. We can see some of you tried, but you have to know that the best we can give you is a very distant second place finish.


Callum Turner



Son, when you’re out there on a red carpet and find yourself following up your finger guns with a double thumbs-up, it is time for you to sit the hell down. This is disgraceful, sirrah. You’re lucky you’re cute – especially since you came dressed as a Funeral Director.



Eddie Redmayne in Alexander McQueen



Eddie “The Leaner” Redmayne makes his return to the red carpet and it looks like he’s opted for a much more conservative and mature sort of male style. Except for the slight bit of interest provided by the sleeve design, he looks like an exceptionally well-suited politician. As much as we adore Ezra for breaking out of the mold, we can’t get too mad at this look because it’s done really well and he looks amazing in it. A little dull, yes. No offense, but that’s just right for him.


Jude Law



Pardon us, Jude, but what even is this shittery? This entire outfit looks like it was fished out from under a bed forty minutes ago. Those pants should be burned. At the stake. Listen, mister. We said this to Jeremy Irons and yelled it at Johnny Depp, so pay attention, or else you’re going to be hearing it for years: A cute little scarf is not going to magically turn your pile of randomness and wrinkles into a workable outfit. And can we ask what the makeup plan was for the evening? Because as far as we can tell, someone just stuck their hands into a vat of bronzer and then seems to have lightly slapped you around the face. This is a piss-poor showing, sir.


[Photo Credit: INSTARImages]

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