Let’s take a breather from all the breathless gownery and high fashion looks of the Venice Film Festival and all of the Rings of Power promotional business to check in on someone wearing a cutely unassuming day dress. Danielle Brooks stopped by the Today Show to talk about her new role on Broadway and serve up a little late-summer floral action.
We’re not convinced these pictures are the best showcase for the look, because it comes off much better in the video below. Still, we like the textile and style of the dress a lot. There’s a lot of rather aggressive seaming and we can’t say that sleeve length is our favorite, but it’s all much less of an issue on camera. Even the shoes come off better on the set than they do here. Just goes to show that some of these folks know how to dress for a studio and that doesn’t always mean it’s going to look great for pap shots like these.
[Photo Credit: ROGER WONG/INSTARimages.com/Cover Images – Video Credit: Today/YouTube]
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