Eddie Redmayne in Gucci at “The Theory of Everything” DC Screening

Posted on November 07, 2014

We’re beginning to think he should get some sort of kickstand to keep himself upright for pictures.


Eddie-Redmayne-Theory-Everything-DC-Screening-Red-Carpet-Fashion-Gucci-Tom-Lorenzo-Site-TLO (1)PinEddie Redmayne attends a special screening of “The Theory of Everything” at the Smithsonian National Museum of American History in Washington D.C. in Gucci.

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Eddie-Redmayne-Theory-Everything-DC-Screening-Red-Carpet-Fashion-Gucci-Tom-Lorenzo-Site-TLO (3)Pin

Eddie-Redmayne-Theory-Everything-DC-Screening-Red-Carpet-Fashion-Gucci-Tom-Lorenzo-Site-TLO (4)Pin

Eddie-Redmayne-Theory-Everything-DC-Screening-Red-Carpet-Fashion-Gucci-Tom-Lorenzo-Site-TLO (5)Pin

At the very least, he should get his inner ear checked.

This is another entry in his particular brand of style archetype, which we will call “Lovable Dork Chic.” He’s a man born to wear the skinny suit, but this is just a bit too much even for him.That jacket needs a little space to breathe and the sleeves look a micro-skosh too short. Plus the tie is too wide and hangs too low. We do appreciate the unusual color choices. And we’re grateful he didn’t wear brown shoes. Not quite an attaboy, but we appreciate the effort.

He has absolutely no idea what to do with his hands. Eddie, here is a trick that you should have learned by now: When you’re posing for pictures, imagine your hands are made of lead and weigh 20 pounds a piece. It’ll force you to square your shoulders, stand up straight, and keep your arms hanging in a more natural way.


[Photo Credit: Mark Wilkins/FAMEFLYNET PICTURES, Getty Images]

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